Saturday, March 6, 2010

7. March. 2k10

Just wanted to say
2010 is, thus far, going wonderfully :D!
In a downhill economy, I have been able to take a small step forward.
My best friend is almost constantly by my side.
People rely on me and I haven't let a single one down yet.
My judgments have gotten better.
My mind has been constantly active.
My interests are broadening.

Go 2010! 3 down, 9 more to go (:

I'm setting out on a new idea with Skye Britni
who is one of my favorite people ever.
She is definitely the only person who shares my interests for random acts of kindness.
That is something I want to focus on extra this year. I started getting into it near the end of last year so I didn't have time to fully develop in that.
If I'm having a splendid year, why shouldn't everyone else? :D!

So Skye and I are doing that.
But I'm not going to tell you what we're doing yet cause, well, I don't want to.

I'm going to go partake in some super-late night meditation to attempt to rid my mind of whatever it is that is causing myself to have this horrid nightmares.

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